Introducing Our New Yummly Button

Join me in utilizing this great tool for collecting and organizing recipes.

Today I want to take the opportunity to highlight a new addition to my website. You might have noticed that the buttons to share my recipes on social networks such as Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler have been joined by a cursive ‘Y’ in an orange box.

This button is for Yummly, a website that seeks to be the ultimate kitchen tool. It can help you choose a recipe, create shopping lists, find a recipe using ingredients you already have on hand, and organize and share your favorite recipes. You can even narrow recipes down based on things like allergies, diet, prep time, nutrition, taste, and technique.

If you like a recipe, you simply save it to your recipe box by clicking the YUM button, and then you can access it from any of your devices. You can even create collections to organize all the recipes you save … including mine :). In fact, the more YUMs my recipes get, the more visible they are to other uses.

So join me in using this great tool. Sign up for an account, download the app, and click the YUM button on my recipes to save them for later!


Olga Lang:
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