Super Easy Kale Salad

This super food salad is super delicious and super easy to make.

Ever since I started experimenting with kale, I’ve fallen in love with it. In addition to all the health benefits of kale, I love that it can stand up to the acidity of vinegar so I can make a salad out of it and eat off it for several days without it wilting and losing its texture and flavor. This salad is one of my favorites and is full of super foods.



Wash, dry, and chiffonade kale (pile leaves on top of each other, then roll up and slice thinly). Massage kale for a few seconds (unless you are using baby kale, then just skip this step).

Add apple cider vinegar, shredded beets, and sunflower seeds. Drizzle olive oil and mix.

Let the salad marinate for a little while or enjoy right away.

Приятного аппетита! (Priyatnova appetita! Russian for ‘Bon Appetit!’)

Olga Lang:

View Comments (2)

  • Оль, а kale это как салат? Или это вид капусты? Гугл перевёл как листовая капуста, я не совсем понимаю что это)))

    • Да, я его не ела когда в России жила. То что я нашла называют "Кудрявой капустой" или "Капуста Кале"

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